
Camber Sands, East Sussex

Whilst working at Studio Buschow, Marco Curtaz developed designs for a new beachside house in Camber Sands.

The concept surfaced from a study of the local context. The overall form of the house drew reference from the local archetype of a more solid (often brick) base with a more lightweight, pitched pitched upper volume, and with gabled front and rear extensions often marking key spaces such as entrances or living areas. This general format was re-invented for the scheme, by pushing and pulling various rooms/functions, applying different materials to each of the volumes to create a playful but clear hierarchy.

In terms of materiality, coastal plantings and a natural sand pond initiate the setting. A sandy/crumbly brick is used on the key ground floor volumes, as though the building was emerging from the beachscape. For the upper volume, a reference is made to the local ‘corrugated metal shed’ vernacular, but using a shiny finish indicative of sea shimmer and allowing reflections from the pond to bounce off the underside of the volume. The ‘in between’ spaces would be formed out of black stained timber (typical of beachfront buildings in the area), but to brighten the interior these timber volumes would be painted ‘beach house blue’ internally.

White painted timber planks would soften the internal palette, and fittings/fixtures were carefully selected to be modern but with a beach house feel.

Design/Project Architect: Marco Curtaz
Collaborations: Evans Structures, PSH, RSPD